Evaluation Helpdesk 2023-2027

The Evaluation Helpdesk has the central objective of increasing the quality of evaluations carried out on Cohesion policy across the EU by strengthening evaluation capacity in Managing Authorities as well as in DG REGIO and DG EMPL. This goal is in line with Art. 35(2)(h) of Cohesion policy regulations to consolidate the strategic value of evaluations in the policy cycle. To this end the activities of the Helpdesk are to:

  • collect and review all evaluations of programmes funded by the ERDF, Cohesion Fund, JTF and ESF+, carried out by the EU Member States, whether they relate to the current 2021-2027 programming period, to the previous 2014-2020 one or to periods before that;
  • collect and review evaluations of Cohesion policy published in the academic literature;
  • provide structured information and reports based on the reviews of evaluations to support the Commission’s own reports on evaluation findings and also make available selected information via dedicated tools, which are published on Commission websites.
  • provide on-site support to Member States on specific issues relating to evaluation of measures or programmes financed by the ERDF, Cohesion Fund, JTF and ESF+, through advice, continued support during the evaluation process, guidance and training on specific issues or other activities agreed with the Commission;
  • provide methodological support on evaluation activities carried out by the Commission including reviews of specific texts, advice and training on particular issues;
  • organise each year a training course for participants from MAs and others involved in the evaluation of ERDF and Cohesion Fund programmes on a topic agreed with the Commission.

Ninth Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion

The aim of the contract is to assist the European Commission with the preparation, production and translation of the Ninth Cohesion Report which reviews regional developments in the EU over the past few years.

The main tasks include advising on the content and the socio-economic analysis, drafting, editing, designing the page lay-out as well as coordinating the translation into all EU-languages and providing support with the preparation of data stories.

Ex post Evaluation of Cohesion Policy Programmes 2014-2020 financed by the ERDF and CF: WP1

The ex post evaluation is aimed at assessing the achievements and effects of all programmes co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF) in the 2014-2020 period, including territorial cooperation programmes.

Work Package 1 will synthesise the findings of the various WPs and integrate them with those of the analysis carried out under WP1 itself. The aim is to present these findings in a coherent way so that the overall results of the ex post evaluation and the implications for policy which can be drawn from them can be clearly seen.

Support for Social Protection Statistics (ESPROSS)

The project was conducted for Eurostat by the consortium composed of Applica (leader) and Alphametrics. The overall purpose of the project was to support Eurostat in the continued undertaking of ESSPROS related activities and to assist in the work to further develop the ESSPROS system.

Main tasks in the project:

  • developing the existing ESSPROS data collections.
  • supporting the extension of the ESSSPROS system through the development of the methodological basis for a new data collection on the number of recipients/beneficiaries of social benefits in the unemployment function.
  • assisting Eurostat in the preparation and delivery of meetings that underpin the ongoing process of exchange and consensus building amongst ESSPROS stakeholders.
  • statistical training for ESSPROS domain.

Eighth Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion

The aim of the contract is to assist the European Commission with the preparation, production and translation of the Eighth Cohesion Report which reviews regional developments in the EU over the past few years. The main tasks include advising on the content and the socio-economic analysis, drafting, editing, designing the page lay-out as well as coordinating the translation into all EU-languages.

View Eighth Cohesion Report


Evaluation Helpdesk 2019-2023

The aim of the contract is to provide the European Commission (DG Regional Policy and DG Employment) with an “Evaluation Helpdesk” that identifies and reviews the evaluations completed in Member States over the 2014-2020 period, the ex-post evaluations of the 2007-2013 programmes and the ex-ante evaluations relating to the 2021-2027 period; and provides support to Managing Authorities in designing and managing evaluations of Operational Programmes co-financed by the ERDF, Cohesion Fund and ESF (including the YEI – Youth Employment Initiative). In addition, the Helpdesk provides structured information on the outcome of the reviews of evaluations to support the European Commission’s syntheses of evaluation findings.

Study on the adequacy and sustainability of social protection systems: attitudes in the EU

The overall purpose of the study is to collect and report policy-relevant evidence on preferences of the citizens for social protection. The analysis aims, in  particular, at identifying the type of social contract that is favoured by people, at providing a clear overview of the factors that influence the demand for social protection and solidarity, and at exploring the potential for EU-wide solidarity and protection.

Ex post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013, Work Package One

The objective of the contract is to synthesise the work packages of the ex post evaluation of the ERDF and CF in the 2007-2013 programming period, to support Commission services in the organisation, coordination and quality assurance of all the work packages of the ex post evaluation and to produce concise reports on the developments and achievements in each of the 28 Member States which were in receipt of financial support over the period.
View report

The EU Social Situation Monitor

The aim of the project is to analyse trends in income distribution, poverty, social exclusion and material deprivation as well as health across the European Union, the position of different groups in society in these regards and the social welfare systems in place in different Member States for tackling problems of inequality and deprivation.

DG Regio – Evaluation Helpdesk

The aim of the contract is to provide an “Evaluation Helpdesk” to the Commission that reviews the 2014-2020 evaluation plans, identifies evaluations undertaken by Managing Authorities in 2015-2019, reviews a sample of evaluations, and provides support to Member States in refining their evaluation plans and designing and managing evaluations. In addition, the Helpdesk provides structured information on the outcome of the reviews of evaluations to support the European Commission’s syntheses of evaluation findings.

Industrial Relations 2012

The aim project is to provide to provide advice and assistance with the statistical and quantitative aspects of the next edition of the Industrial Relations Report.  Mainly the service will be to produce statistical tables and graphs on a range of indicators related to social dialogue, employment and macro-economic issues.

Fifth Report on Economic and Social Cohesion

The aim of the contract is to assist with the preparation, production and translation of the Fifth Cohesion Report which will review regional developments in the EU over the past few years. The main tasks include advising on the content and the socio-economic analysis, drafting, editing, designing the page lay-out as well as coordinating the translation into all EU-languages.
View report