Evaluation Helpdesk – Methodological support to Member States on evaluation issues: Greece
13 February 2020 09:30-17:20 - 14 February 2020 09:15-16:30
Venue: Royal Olympic Hotel - Athens, Greece
Visit by the Evaluation Helpdesk to the Greek Managing Authoriy (MA)to provide a training session on impact evaluations, with a particular focus on approaches to adopt (which methods to apply, when, and how), expert assessment of the main strengths and weaknesses of two ERDF impact evaluations carried out, one on the 2007-2013 period, one on the current period to illustrate the kinds of issue on which help is needed, advice on formulating Terms of Reference, on the degree of detail to include and the criteria for selecting evaluators, and advice on revising the evaluation plan for the remainder of the present programming period, and specifically on the evaluations to be undertaken and the scope and degree of detail of these.