Ex-post evaluation of Cohesion Policy Programmes 2007-2013 – WP10: Urban Development and Social Infrastructures

on 15 July 2015 09:30 - 16:00

Venue: European Commission - Avenue de Beaulieu 5 (VIP room, BU-1, 00/046) , 1160 Brussels

The aim of the seminar will be for relevant stakeholders to test the evaluation findings and to deepen the analysis of the ex-post evaluation of Urban Development and Social Infrastructures projects in Cohesion policy programmes 2007-2013. This evaluation is conducted in work package 10 of the general ex post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2007-2013, focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF) commissioned by the Directorate-General Regional and Urban Policy of the European Commission.

The evaluation team seeks to challenge results gained by the evaluation so far in the frame of a stakeholder seminar. The seminar should help to validate the findings of the evaluation and to further sharpen the policy orientation of the analysis to be included in the draft final report. Moreover, a link to urban development in Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 should be established.

Overall, up to 40 participants will be invited to the seminar from the following groups:
• Policy designers and decision makers
• Administrators and implementers
• Evaluators, experts and beneficiaries.

The seminar will be conducted in an interactive format combining presentations and group work along the main outcomes of ex post evaluation.

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Note that participation is on an invitation only basis. People who have not been invited will not be admitted.

Contact Details

Gisèle Uwayezu
Applica Sprl
37 rue van Campenhout
B-1000 Bruxelles