Ex-post evaluation of Cohesion Policy Programmes 2007-2013 – WP3: Financial Instruments for enterprise support

on 11 September 2015 09:30-16:00

Venue: Martin's Brussels EU Hotel - Boulevard Charlemagne 80 , 1000 Brussels

This stakeholder seminar is a crucial milestone towards the final report. It will discuss and deepen the emerging findings from the ex post evaluation of the Financial Instruments for enterprise support in Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013. It will receive input from a range of experts and people with practical and academic experience.

The main evaluation questions which need to be addressed are:

  • What is the rationale and conceptual model of Financial Instruments (FIs)?
  • What is the progress in terms of spending EU funds for FI?
  • How well are fund management and operational provisions working?
  • What is observed, reported and verified by the monitoring and evaluation system?
  • What are the outcomes and effectiveness of FI implementation?

Overall, up to 40 participants will be invited to the seminar, including policy designers and decision makers, administrators and implementers, evaluators, experts and beneficiaries.

The seminar will be interactively structured and consist of plenary sessions and breakout groups. The working language will be English.

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Note that participation is on an invitation only basis. People who have not been invited will not be admitted.

Contact Details

Gisèle Uwayezu
Applica Sprl
37 rue van Campenhout
B-1000 Bruxelles