Ex-post evaluation of Cohesion Policy Programmes 2007-2013 – WP6: Environment

Stakeholder Seminar on 8 October 2015 09:30-16:00

Venue: Martin's Brussels EU Hotel - Boulevard Charlemagne 80 , 1000 Brussels

At the seminar we will discuss the evaluation findings in order to deepen the analysis of the main issues emerging from the field work as well as the policy implications for Cohesion Policy intervention in the area of environment. It will be attended by a range of experts and people with practical and academic experience.

The subjects for discussion are divided in two broad themes – each with a set of key questions:

1) General implementation issues – looking at programme level
– Why so few major projects were finalised?
– How do the patterns and reasons for slow implementation differ between the water and waste sectors?
– What are the consequences of slow implementation for the achievement of environmental targets?

2) Quality and use of financial analysis in major projects – and impacts on financial sustainability of projects
– What has contributed to a higher quality of financial analysis in the period 2007-2013 compared to 2000-2006?
– Are the challenges for the financial analyses and solutions to improve them identified by the evaluation relevant and appropriate?

Before the seminar, all participants will receive a discussion paper providing key findings and questions to be addressed at the seminar.

Overall, up to 30 participants will be invited to the seminar, including stakeholders from the Member States directly involved in the projects, evaluators and experts from key interest organizations.

The seminar will be interactively structured and consist of plenary sessions and breakout groups. The working language will be English with no facilities for translation.

Related documents

Note that participation is on an invitation only basis. People who have not been invited will not be admitted.

Contact Details

Gisèle Uwayezu
Applica Sprl
37 rue van Campenhout
B-1000 Bruxelles