The overall purpose of the study is to collect and report policy-relevant evidence on preferences of the citizens for social protection. The analysis aims, in particular, at identifying the type of social contract that is favoured by people, at providing a clear overview of the factors that influence the demand for social protection and solidarity, and at exploring the potential for EU-wide solidarity and protection.
Trust in institutions in the 21st century
The objective of the study is to understand trends in institutional trust in Europe and their relation to societal changes. The research seeks to characterise groups in society with higher or lower trust in national and EU institutions and to consider why patterns of trust have changed over time.
The EU Social Situation Monitor
The aim of the project is to analyse trends in income distribution, poverty, social exclusion and material deprivation as well as health across the European Union, the position of different groups in society in these regards and the social welfare systems in place in different Member States for tackling problems of inequality and deprivation.
Provision of services related to evaluation, evaluative studies, analysis and research work – lot 2: analysis and research work, including studies for Impact Assessment
The aim of the project is to conduct different types of analysis and research work, including studies for impact assessments in virtually all fields falling within DG EMPL competence.
European Observatory on the Social Situation – Network on Income distribution and living conditions
Coordination of a European team of experts analysing trends in income distribution, poverty and deprivation across the EU.
Child poverty
The study aims at providing a detailed framework for the development of more coherent and integrated policies to combat child poverty and social exclusion of children and builds on the work carried out in 2007 by the Commission and the Member States in the context of the European Strategy for Social Inclusion.