Ex-post evaluation of Cohesion Policy Programmes 2007-2013 – WP11: European Territorial Cooperation (ETC)
Stakeholder Seminar on 11 December 2015 09:30-17:30
Venue: Martin's Brussels EU Hotel - Boulevard Charlemagne 80 , 1000 Brussels
This seminar is part of the final phase of the ex post evaluation of the European territorial cooperation programmes 2007-2013.
The work included an analysis of objectives and achievements of all 53 cross-border, 13 transnational programmes and Interreg IVC as well as 12 in-depth case studies. Findings emerging from these evaluation activities will be the basis for the seminar.
Open discussions and feedback by a multidisciplinary audience on our emerging findings will enable us to:
- complement our conclusions with insights, taking into account additional information or perspectives.
- test our findings against relevant experience by practitioners and knowledge of experts in the area of territorial cooperation and/or in relation with thematic dimensions such as R&D, innovation and entrepreneurship, Environment and Capacity building.
- deepen our analysis of the main issues as well as the policy implications for territorial cooperation, including its thematic dimensions.
The seminar will be interactive. It is structured in two types of sessions:
- One plenary session on general findings.
- Three parallel sessions on specific findings by type of cooperation (cross-border, trans-national and inter-regional).
During sessions, participants will be invited to provide comments and a moderator will structure interactions using guiding questions covering main evaluation messages. A debate on synthetized statements will be launched between the audience and an expert panel.
Insights from discussions will help the evaluation team drawing final conclusions and recommendations of the study.
Before the seminar, all participants will receive a discussion paper providing key findings and questions to be addressed at the seminar.
Overall, up to 60 participants will be invited, including representatives of managing authorities, academics, evaluators and experts from key interest organizations.
The working language will be English with no facilities for translation.
Related documents
Note that participation is on an invitation only basis. People who have not been invited will not be admitted.
Contact Details
Gisèle Uwayezu
Applica Sprl
37 rue van Campenhout
B-1000 Bruxelles