Exploratory study on the effectiveness of Member States’ minimum income schemes published
We are happy to announce that the Exploratory study: filling in the knowledge gaps and identifying strengths and challenges in the effectiveness of Member States’ minimum income schemes has just been published.
The study explores the importance of financial incentives compared to other factors for the labour market integration of minimum income recipients through three distinct strands of analysis:
- Analysing benefit adequacy and work incentives assesses the evidence for a link between adequate minimum income benefits and the likelihood of recipients moving into work.
- The possibility of gradual phasing out of benefits explores various design elements to ensure that there is always some financial incentive for recipients to move into or take up more work.
- Finally, the availability of active labour market policies (ALMPs) for minimum income recipients looks at how minimum income recipients are supported in their labour market transition with the use of ALMPs and what types of measures may be most effective.
The study can be downloaded here: https://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=738&langId=en&pubId=8540&furtherPubs=yes