ESF+ Data Support Centre

The ESF+ Data Support Centre aims to support Member States and the European Commission at the production of ESF, FEAD and ESF+ (shared management strand) statistics, including methodological and harmonisation aspects.

It provides methodological support to the Commission and Member States; develops and reviews ESF, FEAD, and ESF+ data plausibility and consistency checks; and aggregates and synthesises ESF, FEAD, and ESF+ monitoring data.

The ESF+ Data Support Centre is run by ICF SA in association with Alphametrics Ltd, Ockham IPS and Applica.

Exploratory study: filling in the knowledge gaps and identifying strengths and challenges in the effectiveness of the EU Member States’ minimum income schemes

The aim of the project, awarded to Applica and ICF (leader), was to provide a comprehensive assessment of the challenges in the effectiveness of the EU Member States’ minimum income schemes. The main tasks included

  • mapping existing schemes;
  • identifying strengths and challenges in their effectiveness for alleviating poverty and facilitating labour market transition and social inclusion;
  • and the impact assessment of various measures aiming at enhancing the effectiveness of these schemes.

The final report can be downloaded here:

Study on the feasibility of a child guarantee for vulnerable children: Phase II

The study aims to provide a thorough economic and financial analysis of the design, feasibility, governance and implementation options of a possible future Child Guarantee Scheme in all EU Member States. To achieve this, it has prepared a detailed comprehensive study exploring what would be the most cost-effective strategy for the competent authorities to realise a child guarantee for all children at risk of poverty in the EU. The study complements the Study on the feasibility of a child guarantee for vulnerable children: Phase I.


Support for Social Protection Statistics (ESPROSS)

The project was conducted for Eurostat by the consortium composed of Applica (leader) and Alphametrics. The overall purpose of the project was to support Eurostat in the continued undertaking of ESSPROS related activities and to assist in the work to further develop the ESSPROS system.

Main tasks in the project:

  • developing the existing ESSPROS data collections.
  • supporting the extension of the ESSSPROS system through the development of the methodological basis for a new data collection on the number of recipients/beneficiaries of social benefits in the unemployment function.
  • assisting Eurostat in the preparation and delivery of meetings that underpin the ongoing process of exchange and consensus building amongst ESSPROS stakeholders.
  • statistical training for ESSPROS domain.