Evaluation Helpdesk 2023-2027

The Evaluation Helpdesk has the central objective of increasing the quality of evaluations carried out on Cohesion policy across the EU by strengthening evaluation capacity in Managing Authorities as well as in DG REGIO and DG EMPL. This goal is in line with Art. 35(2)(h) of Cohesion policy regulations to consolidate the strategic value of evaluations in the policy cycle. To this end the activities of the Helpdesk are to:

  • collect and review all evaluations of programmes funded by the ERDF, Cohesion Fund, JTF and ESF+, carried out by the EU Member States, whether they relate to the current 2021-2027 programming period, to the previous 2014-2020 one or to periods before that;
  • collect and review evaluations of Cohesion policy published in the academic literature;
  • provide structured information and reports based on the reviews of evaluations to support the Commission’s own reports on evaluation findings and also make available selected information via dedicated tools, which are published on Commission websites.
  • provide on-site support to Member States on specific issues relating to evaluation of measures or programmes financed by the ERDF, Cohesion Fund, JTF and ESF+, through advice, continued support during the evaluation process, guidance and training on specific issues or other activities agreed with the Commission;
  • provide methodological support on evaluation activities carried out by the Commission including reviews of specific texts, advice and training on particular issues;
  • organise each year a training course for participants from MAs and others involved in the evaluation of ERDF and Cohesion Fund programmes on a topic agreed with the Commission.

Expert Network for Analytical Support in Social Policies (ESPAN and MISSOC)

The European Social Policy Analysis Network (ESPAN) brings together independent experts on social inclusion and social protection. It

  • provides timely and high-quality information to the European Commission on social protection and social inclusion policies (and related socio-economic developments and trends) and
  • supports the European Commission in monitoring progress within the European Semester framework and against the achievement of the 2030 social targets.
  • supports the Commission in identifying and promoting the exchange of good practices and the development of dynamics of mutual learning that can support the achievement of the EU’s social objectives.

The Mutual Information Systems on Social Protection (MISSOC) network of national delegates, whose members are appointed by the authorities of participating countries (EU Member States and EEA/EFTA countries), ensures exchange of information on national social protection systems by preparing comparative legislative tables (addressed mainly to professional users) and social security guides for the general public.

Applica is responsible for coordinating the work of MISSOC and for communication activities (seminars, publications and online resources).

Support to the additional surveys and cleaning of data on the implementation of COVID-19 related State aid measures by Member States

The purpose of this project is to provide support to the European Commission in the implementation of the “Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Survey on the use of the Temporary Framework by Member States”.

The main task consists in validating the data on approved State aid granted to companies in the context of the COVID-19 pandemics (and subsequently in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine) in 2021 and 2022 and produce a consolidated EU-wide database.

Support to the third survey and cleaning of data on the implementation of COVID-19 related State aid measures by Member States

The purpose of this project is to provide support to the European Commission in the implementation of the “Third Survey on the use of the Temporary Framework by Member States”.

The main task consists in validating the data on approved State aid granted to companies in the context of the COVID-19 pandemics until 30 June 2021 and produce a consolidated EU-wide database.

Set-up of the survey and cleaning of data on the implementation of COVID-19 related State aid measures by Member States and the UK

The purpose of this project is to provide support to the European Commission in the implementation of the “Second Survey on the use of the Temporary Framework by Member States”.

The main task consists in validating the data on approved State aid granted to companies in the context of the COVID-19 pandemics until 30 June 2021 and produce a consolidated EU-wide database.

ESF+ Data Support Centre

The ESF+ Data Support Centre aims to support Member States and the European Commission at the production of ESF, FEAD and ESF+ (shared management strand) statistics, including methodological and harmonisation aspects.

It provides methodological support to the Commission and Member States; develops and reviews ESF, FEAD, and ESF+ data plausibility and consistency checks; and aggregates and synthesises ESF, FEAD, and ESF+ monitoring data.

The ESF+ Data Support Centre is run by ICF SA in association with Alphametrics Ltd, Ockham IPS and Applica.

EU-JAPAN joint study on demographic change and territorial policies

DG REGIO and the Japanese City Bureau of Ministry of Labour, Infrastructure and Transport launched a joint study to analyse – including through case studies – common demographic challenges, and to provide forecasts of population for regions and cities. The study identifies policies and tools that can help regions and cities respond to these challenges, in particular those related to demographic ageing. Applica is involved in the analysis related to the EU.

ESF Data Support Centre

A part of the multiple framework contracts for the provision of services related to the implementation of Better Regulation Guidelines, the project aims at the production of ESF statistics, including methodological and harmonisation aspects. The Data Support Centre assists the Member States and the Commission to fulfill the monitoring and reporting obligations set out in the Regulations governing the European Social Fund. This covers:
– Providing methodological support to the Commission
– Providing methodological support to the Member States
– Providing ESF data plausibility and consistency checks
– Reporting of ESF data.

European Social Policy Network and MISSOC

The European Social Policy Network (ESPN) brought together independent experts on social inclusion and social protection and government experts on social protection systems (the Mutual Information Systems on Social Protection – MISSOC).

The ESPN provided high quality and timely independent information, advice, analysis and expertise in monitoring progress towards the EU’s social (protection and inclusion) goals and helped the Commission to identify and stimulate debate and discussion on effective policy developments and innovative developments in Member States.

Applica was responsible for coordinating the work of the government experts on social protection systems (MISSOC) and for communication activities (seminars, publications and online resources).

Women and men in decision-making

The aim of the project is to further develop and maintain the database “Women and men in decision-making” which contains details of the relative numbers of women and men in decision-making positions in various areas of political, judicial, economic and social life in the EU Member States, the EEA countries  and the candidate countries as well as in the European Institutions.

Ex post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013, Work Package One

The objective of the contract is to synthesise the work packages of the ex post evaluation of the ERDF and CF in the 2007-2013 programming period, to support Commission services in the organisation, coordination and quality assurance of all the work packages of the ex post evaluation and to produce concise reports on the developments and achievements in each of the 28 Member States which were in receipt of financial support over the period.
View report

Descriptive Statistics on Regulated Professions

The objective of this project was to provide comparative statistics in seven occupations/sectors (accountant, civil engineer, lawyer, architect, patent agent, real estate agent, tourist guide) for all 28 Member States and, where data were available, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein, for the period 2011-2015.

Investigating existing datasets on social protection

The aim of this contract was to investigate existing datasets on social protection (including the ILO Social Security Inquiry, ESSPROS, the Social Security Administration’s Social Security Programs Throughout the World) with a view to develop a methodology to advance towards a consistent global database. The work implied mapping existing datasets, identifying major gaps in the data and setting up a framework to integrate them into the macroeconomic structure of the UN Global Policy Model (UN GPM).

European Social Policy Network and MISSOC 2014-2018

The European Social Policy Network (ESPN) brings together the work previously done by the independent experts on social inclusion for the assessment of national social inclusion policies,  the independent experts for the analytical support on social protection reforms and by the government experts on social protection systems (the Mutual Information Systems on Social Protection – MISSOC).

The ESPN will provide high quality and timely independent information, advice, analysis and expertise in monitoring progress towards the EU’s social (protection and inclusion) goals and will help the Commission to identify and stimulate debate and discussion on effective policy developments and innovative developments in Member States.

Applica is responsible for coordinating the work of the government experts on social protection systems (the Mutual Information Systems on Social Protection – MISSOC) and for communication activities (seminars, publications and online resources).

MobilityLab – European Job Mobility Laboratory

The purpose of the project is to establish a network of experts and practitioners in job mobility that will work to support the Commission in collecting and analysing information about mobility, providing policy advice and promoting awareness of the issues through a series of studies, workshops and conference.

Net social protection benefits (ESSPROS)

The objective of this project is to assist Eurostat in the preparation, collection and validation of the pilot data collection on net social protection benefits to be carried out in all Member States by the end of 2008 and the preparation of feasibility studies to improve the data.

Development of a draft methodology for the collection of harmonised statistics on childcare

The primary concern of this project, after collecting data on the demand and provision of childcare from all Member States, was to indicate the data which still need to be made available in order to assess the support available to those with children and the use they make of this. A parallel aim was to develop a methodology for data collection to ensure some degree of coherence and as much comparability as possible across countries.