The objective of the study is to understand trends in institutional trust in Europe and their relation to societal changes. The research seeks to characterise groups in society with higher or lower trust in national and EU institutions and to consider why patterns of trust have changed over time.
The Future of Manufacturing in Europe
This project explores scenarios for future developments in European manufacturing employment in the context of globalisation and rapid technological change. The key objective is to consider whether a revival of manufacturing could or should be based on foreign led growth or on a co-ordinated expansion of internal demand, which might have very different implications for the distribution of overall employment (i.e. both within and outside manufacturing) across Member States. A further objective is to gain a deeper understanding of how far recent technological and other developments are changing methods of production and the organisation and location of manufacturing activities.
Comparative analytical report on access to income support of young people
The report will adopt a wide-ranging view of the support available to young people in different parts of Europe and set out the different kinds of support that are provided, their level in terms of the income they provide, the extent to which they are conditional on certain circumstances, modes of behavior or the other income coming into the household.
Comparative analytical report on labour market transitions of young people
The objective of this study is to map the different types of temporary contracts in the Member States and Norway, to investigate the social security benefits of these contracts and to offer an overview of the policy measures available to regulate transitions from temporary to permanent contracts.
Policy lessons report of the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) series
The aim of the project is to provide a comprehensive report on the policy lessons of the 5th European Working Conditions Survey which analyses relationships between different working conditions, identifies groups at risk, monitors trends and contributes to European policy development. The report will draw policy conclusions from the EWCS and contribute to the preparation of the 6th wave of the survey, which is planned for 2015.
Policy lessons from the European Company Survey
The aim of the contract is to extract and present the main policy implications of the 2009 European Company Survey, to review the use made of the survey by outside bodies as well as to analyse the link between the 2009 survey and that of the next survey (2012).
Projections of patterns of job expansion in the EU
The objective of the study is to examine prospective changes in job quality and skill requirements in EU economies over the period up to 2016 and to identify potential skill shortages on the basis of an analysis of trends in the structure of employment over recent years.
Recent changes in the structure of jobs in the EU
Analysis of the effect of changes in the structure of employment on job quality and skill requirements and the implications for the relative position of men and women, older and younger workers, part-time and full-time workers and migrants in the labour market.
Comparative analytical reports on selected issues relating to Industrial change and restructuring and the quality of work and employment
Production of comparative analytical reports on selected issues relating to Industrial change and restructuring and the quality of work and employment covering all 27 EU Member States plus Norway.
For more information, see the European Restructuring Monitor and the European Working Conditions Observatory.