ESF+ Data Support Centre

The ESF+ Data Support Centre aims to support Member States and the European Commission at the production of ESF, FEAD and ESF+ (shared management strand) statistics, including methodological and harmonisation aspects.

It provides methodological support to the Commission and Member States; develops and reviews ESF, FEAD, and ESF+ data plausibility and consistency checks; and aggregates and synthesises ESF, FEAD, and ESF+ monitoring data.

The ESF+ Data Support Centre is run by ICF SA in association with Alphametrics Ltd, Ockham IPS and Applica.

ESF Data Support Centre

A part of the multiple framework contracts for the provision of services related to the implementation of Better Regulation Guidelines, the project aims at the production of ESF statistics, including methodological and harmonisation aspects. The Data Support Centre assists the Member States and the Commission to fulfill the monitoring and reporting obligations set out in the Regulations governing the European Social Fund. This covers:
– Providing methodological support to the Commission
– Providing methodological support to the Member States
– Providing ESF data plausibility and consistency checks
– Reporting of ESF data.

Support for Social Protection Statistics (ESPROSS)

The project was conducted for Eurostat by the consortium composed of Applica (leader) and Alphametrics. The overall purpose of the project was to support Eurostat in the continued undertaking of ESSPROS related activities and to assist in the work to further develop the ESSPROS system.

Main tasks in the project:

  • developing the existing ESSPROS data collections.
  • supporting the extension of the ESSSPROS system through the development of the methodological basis for a new data collection on the number of recipients/beneficiaries of social benefits in the unemployment function.
  • assisting Eurostat in the preparation and delivery of meetings that underpin the ongoing process of exchange and consensus building amongst ESSPROS stakeholders.
  • statistical training for ESSPROS domain.

Study supporting the 2019 evaluation of support to Employment and Mobility

The purpose of the study is to provide the Commission with evidence and analysis that will allow building up its evaluation of the ESF support to employment and mobility (i.e. TO8 excluding support to youth employment). The report aims at taking stock of the results of ESF related support for the period 2014-2018, building in particular on the relevant ESF evaluations carried out by the Member States. The results of the report should also feed into the next programming period by providing lessons and supporting the negotiations of the OP for the ESF+.

The study is a part of the multiple framework contracts for the provision of services related to the implementation of Better Regulation Guidelines.

ESF Synthesis of Annual Implementation Reports submitted in 2018 and 2019 and ad-hoc reports

A part of the multiple framework contracts for the provision of services related to the implementation of Better Regulation Guidelines, the objective of the contract is to collect, analyse, synthesise and aggregate monitoring and evaluation information provided by Member States through Annual Implementation Reports (AIR) and, where relevant, progress reports12 in order to provide evidence on the performance of the ESF over the 2014-2020 programming period, for the AIR 2017 submitted in 2018, the AIR 2018 submitted in 2019 and the Progress Reports submitted in 2019. The information is presented in a standard and easy-to-read manner. The aim is also to collect additional information from Member States through interviews and surveys for the ad hoc reports. These reports are used to communicate results to stakeholders and other institutions.

Framework Contract (Lot 2) – Study on the monitoring and evaluation systems of the ESF

The objective of the study is to provide an assessment of the implementation of ESF monitoring and evaluation systems in the Member States for the 2014-2020 programming period and to make proposals on how to improve these systems for the post 2020 period. To this end, three assumptions are considered: a) the scope and delivery mechanism of the ESF remains unchanged, b) ESF is merged in a single fund encompassing most of the human capital activities of the EU, and c) ESF is implemented through conditional support.

Women and men in decision-making

The aim of the project is to further develop and maintain the database “Women and men in decision-making” which contains details of the relative numbers of women and men in decision-making positions in various areas of political, judicial, economic and social life in the EU Member States, the EEA countries  and the candidate countries as well as in the European Institutions.

DG Regio – Evaluation Helpdesk

The aim of the contract is to provide an “Evaluation Helpdesk” to the Commission that reviews the 2014-2020 evaluation plans, identifies evaluations undertaken by Managing Authorities in 2015-2019, reviews a sample of evaluations, and provides support to Member States in refining their evaluation plans and designing and managing evaluations. In addition, the Helpdesk provides structured information on the outcome of the reviews of evaluations to support the European Commission’s syntheses of evaluation findings.

Net social protection benefits (ESSPROS)

The objective of this project is to assist Eurostat in the preparation, collection and validation of the pilot data collection on net social protection benefits to be carried out in all Member States by the end of 2008 and the preparation of feasibility studies to improve the data.

Needs of Objective 1 regions in the accession countries and in existing EU15 Member States in areas eligible for Structural Funds

Assessment of development needs of (present and future) Objective 1 regions in the various areas (or sectors) which were eligible for Structural Fund support with the aim of identifying a list of priority actions. The study was concerned with identifying the nature and scale of the regional problems both in the accession countries and in the existing EU15 Member States.


Labour market policies database (LMP)

The objective of the project is to further develop and maintain the database of Labour Market Policies which provides information on labour market interventions and contains data on participants in programmes as well as on expenditure and details of the various policies in question.