Support to the additional surveys and cleaning of data on the implementation of COVID-19 related State aid measures by Member States

The purpose of this project is to provide support to the European Commission in the implementation of the “Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Survey on the use of the Temporary Framework by Member States”.

The main task consists in validating the data on approved State aid granted to companies in the context of the COVID-19 pandemics (and subsequently in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine) in 2021 and 2022 and produce a consolidated EU-wide database.

Support to the third survey and cleaning of data on the implementation of COVID-19 related State aid measures by Member States

The purpose of this project is to provide support to the European Commission in the implementation of the “Third Survey on the use of the Temporary Framework by Member States”.

The main task consists in validating the data on approved State aid granted to companies in the context of the COVID-19 pandemics until 30 June 2021 and produce a consolidated EU-wide database.

Set-up of the survey and cleaning of data on the implementation of COVID-19 related State aid measures by Member States and the UK

The purpose of this project is to provide support to the European Commission in the implementation of the “Second Survey on the use of the Temporary Framework by Member States”.

The main task consists in validating the data on approved State aid granted to companies in the context of the COVID-19 pandemics until 30 June 2021 and produce a consolidated EU-wide database.

Ex post Evaluation of Cohesion Policy Programmes 2014-2020 financed by the ERDF and CF: WP1

The ex post evaluation is aimed at assessing the achievements and effects of all programmes co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF) in the 2014-2020 period, including territorial cooperation programmes.

Work Package 1 will synthesise the findings of the various WPs and integrate them with those of the analysis carried out under WP1 itself. The aim is to present these findings in a coherent way so that the overall results of the ex post evaluation and the implications for policy which can be drawn from them can be clearly seen.

EU-JAPAN joint study on demographic change and territorial policies

DG REGIO and the Japanese City Bureau of Ministry of Labour, Infrastructure and Transport launched a joint study to analyse – including through case studies – common demographic challenges, and to provide forecasts of population for regions and cities. The study identifies policies and tools that can help regions and cities respond to these challenges, in particular those related to demographic ageing. Applica is involved in the analysis related to the EU.

Study supporting the 2019 evaluation of support to Employment and Mobility

The purpose of the study is to provide the Commission with evidence and analysis that will allow building up its evaluation of the ESF support to employment and mobility (i.e. TO8 excluding support to youth employment). The report aims at taking stock of the results of ESF related support for the period 2014-2018, building in particular on the relevant ESF evaluations carried out by the Member States. The results of the report should also feed into the next programming period by providing lessons and supporting the negotiations of the OP for the ESF+.

The study is a part of the multiple framework contracts for the provision of services related to the implementation of Better Regulation Guidelines.

Descriptive Statistics on Regulated Professions

The objective of this project was to provide comparative statistics in seven occupations/sectors (accountant, civil engineer, lawyer, architect, patent agent, real estate agent, tourist guide) for all 28 Member States and, where data were available, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein, for the period 2011-2015.

The EU Social Situation Monitor

The aim of the project is to analyse trends in income distribution, poverty, social exclusion and material deprivation as well as health across the European Union, the position of different groups in society in these regards and the social welfare systems in place in different Member States for tackling problems of inequality and deprivation.

Industrial Relations 2012

The aim project is to provide to provide advice and assistance with the statistical and quantitative aspects of the next edition of the Industrial Relations Report.  Mainly the service will be to produce statistical tables and graphs on a range of indicators related to social dialogue, employment and macro-economic issues.

MobilityLab – European Job Mobility Laboratory

The purpose of the project is to establish a network of experts and practitioners in job mobility that will work to support the Commission in collecting and analysing information about mobility, providing policy advice and promoting awareness of the issues through a series of studies, workshops and conference.

Fifth Report on Economic and Social Cohesion

The aim of the contract is to assist with the preparation, production and translation of the Fifth Cohesion Report which will review regional developments in the EU over the past few years. The main tasks include advising on the content and the socio-economic analysis, drafting, editing, designing the page lay-out as well as coordinating the translation into all EU-languages.
View report

Ex post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2000-2006 co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development (Objective 1 and 2); Work Package 1: coordination, analysis and synthesis

The overall aim of the project is to coordinate the various studies being undertaken to assess the effects of cohesion policy over the period 2000-2006, to produce summary analyses of regional developments in all the Member States and to provide support to DG Regional Policy in carrying out the evaluation.


Needs of Objective 1 regions in the accession countries and in existing EU15 Member States in areas eligible for Structural Funds

Assessment of development needs of (present and future) Objective 1 regions in the various areas (or sectors) which were eligible for Structural Fund support with the aim of identifying a list of priority actions. The study was concerned with identifying the nature and scale of the regional problems both in the accession countries and in the existing EU15 Member States.