The aim of the contract is to extract and present the main policy implications of the 2009 European Company Survey, to review the use made of the survey by outside bodies as well as to analyse the link between the 2009 survey and that of the next survey (2012).
Analysis of the Main Factors of Regional Growth: An in-depth study of the best and worst performing European regions
The primary aim of the study is to deepen understanding of economic development in the EU regions through identifying the regions that have performed well and those that have performed poorly over recent years, to analyse the factors underlying these differences in performance by econometric means as well as through case studies of selected regions and to draw our the policy implications.
Study on existing indicators and statistics on gender equality in the European Union
The study reviewed all existing indicators related to follow-up of the Beijing Platform for Action in order to establish the current situation with respect to monitoring each of the 12 areas of concern and, where relevant, to make suggestions for improvements.
The competitiveness of firms, regions and industries in the knowledge based economy: What room for job-rich growth in Europe? MICRO-DYN
The aim of this project was to tackle the issue of growth, employment and competitiveness in the knowledge-based European economy through a micro-founded firm-based approach.
Industrial relations in Europe (2000-2010)
Provision of expertise in compiling and analysis statistical data on employment and labour market developments across the EU relevant for industrial relations for the second and third reports. 2010, 2003-2004 and 2000-2001.
Projections of patterns of job expansion in the EU
The objective of the study is to examine prospective changes in job quality and skill requirements in EU economies over the period up to 2016 and to identify potential skill shortages on the basis of an analysis of trends in the structure of employment over recent years.
Distribution of competences in relation to regional development policies in the Member States
The general purpose of this study is to obtain a thorough picture of the distribution of competences in relation to regional development between the different administrative levels in Member States, with a particular focus to the budgetary aspects.
DG Regional Policy, 2009 (Lead contractor: Ismeri Europa, IT).
Child poverty
The study aims at providing a detailed framework for the development of more coherent and integrated policies to combat child poverty and social exclusion of children and builds on the work carried out in 2007 by the Commission and the Member States in the context of the European Strategy for Social Inclusion.
Fifth Report on Economic and Social Cohesion
The aim of the contract is to assist with the preparation, production and translation of the Fifth Cohesion Report which will review regional developments in the EU over the past few years. The main tasks include advising on the content and the socio-economic analysis, drafting, editing, designing the page lay-out as well as coordinating the translation into all EU-languages.
View report
Flexicurity: the need for indicators on coverage of certain social benefits for people in flexible employment in the European Union
The objective of the study is to develop indicators that enable the coverage of unemployment, maternity/paternity and sickness benefits in the EU to be monitored for people in flexible employment.
The situation of women on EU islands
Skill Problems in European Industrial Sectors
An analysis of trends in skills requirements, the incidence of skill shortages and the policies adopted to tackle these, with case studies on the mechanical engineering and textile and clothing industries.
Comprehensive analysis of the evolution of the automotive sector in Europe
Members of Applica’s staff contributed to the analysis included in the study which analysed recent developments in the automotive industry (NACE 34.1-34.3) and the associated trends in employment across the EU and examined the implication for competences and skill requirements over the next few years.
Comprehensive sectoral analysis of emerging competences and economic activities in the Electromechanical engineering industry in the European Union
The objective of the study is to analysis recent developments in the mechanical engineering and electrical and electronics equipment industries (NACE 29 and 31) and the associated trends in employment across the EU and to examine the implication for competences and skill requirements over the next few years.
Comprehensive sectoral analysis of emerging competences and economic activities in the Electromechanical engineering industry in the European Union
The objective of the study is to analysis recent developments in the mechanical engineering and electrical and electronics equipment industries (NACE 29 and 31) and the associated trends in employment across the EU and to examine the implication for competences and skill requirements over the next few years.
Innovative management of Restructuring in Europe
An analysis of quantitative trends in the restructuring undertaken by large enterprises on the basis of data on over 5,500 individual cases which took place in the 5 years 2002-2006 inclusive summarised in the European Restructuring Monitor database.
Recent changes in the structure of jobs in the EU
Analysis of the effect of changes in the structure of employment on job quality and skill requirements and the implications for the relative position of men and women, older and younger workers, part-time and full-time workers and migrants in the labour market.
Briefing notes/reports and impact studies on forthcoming employment and social policy initiatives (not publicly available)
Production of briefing notes/reports and impact studies on forthcoming employment and social policy initiatives for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament.
Net social protection benefits (ESSPROS)
The objective of this project is to assist Eurostat in the preparation, collection and validation of the pilot data collection on net social protection benefits to be carried out in all Member States by the end of 2008 and the preparation of feasibility studies to improve the data.
Fourth Report on Economic and Social Cohesion
Economic analysis, drafting, editing, translation into French and German and graphic production. The report reviews regional developments over the past few years and the effect of policies in narrowing regional disparities.
View report
Ex post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2000-2006 co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development (Objective 1 and 2); Work Package 1: coordination, analysis and synthesis
The overall aim of the project is to coordinate the various studies being undertaken to assess the effects of cohesion policy over the period 2000-2006, to produce summary analyses of regional developments in all the Member States and to provide support to DG Regional Policy in carrying out the evaluation.
Panorama publications on The Life of Men and Women in the EU – A statistical portrait and 10 Statistics in Focus on gender issues
A wide-ranging analysis of the comparative position of men and women at various stages of their lives based on the numerous sources of data available at EU level. 2006-2007 and 2001-2002.
Analysis of data on people with disabilities
A detailed analysis of the statistics available from the EU Labour Force Survey and the EU-SILC on the relative number of people with disabilities, the extent of their restriction and their access to education and employment.
Changing regions – Structural changes in the EU regions
An analysis of economic developments in all NUTS 2 European regions focusing on the division of employment between sectors and the effect of this on performance and assessing their future prospects in the light of their human and other resource endowment.
Comparative analytical reports on selected issues relating to Industrial change and restructuring and the quality of work and employment
Production of comparative analytical reports on selected issues relating to Industrial change and restructuring and the quality of work and employment covering all 27 EU Member States plus Norway.
For more information, see the European Restructuring Monitor and the European Working Conditions Observatory.
Annual report on equality and non-discrimination
Preparation and production of three annual reports reviewing legislative and other developments in Member States following the implementation of the two Directives on Racial Equality and Employment Equality in 2000.
Employment in the market economy in the European Union – an analysis of the Structural Business Statistics
Analysis of employment in different sectors of economic activity, its division between firms of different size and its relationship to value-added, labour costs and investment.
Needs of Objective 1 regions in the accession countries and in existing EU15 Member States in areas eligible for Structural Funds
Assessment of development needs of (present and future) Objective 1 regions in the various areas (or sectors) which were eligible for Structural Fund support with the aim of identifying a list of priority actions. The study was concerned with identifying the nature and scale of the regional problems both in the accession countries and in the existing EU15 Member States.
First, Second and Third Reports on Economic and Social Cohesion
Economic analysis, drafting, editing, translation and production of the first three reports on economic and social cohesion, reviewing regional developments across the EU and the effect of policies in narrowing disparities.
» view report 1 (prepared 1996)
» view report 2 (prepared 2000-2001)
» view report 3 (prepared 2003-2004)
Development of a draft methodology for the collection of harmonised statistics on childcare
The primary concern of this project, after collecting data on the demand and provision of childcare from all Member States, was to indicate the data which still need to be made available in order to assess the support available to those with children and the use they make of this. A parallel aim was to develop a methodology for data collection to ensure some degree of coherence and as much comparability as possible across countries.
Social Protection in Europe
Analysis, drafting and editing of the five biennial reports analysing trends and developments in social protection systems across Europe as well as overall management of production of the first four.
Employment in Europe
Analysis of employment and labour market trends across the EU and of key policy issues and production of the annual report in all Community languages.
Labour market policies database (LMP)
The objective of the project is to further develop and maintain the database of Labour Market Policies which provides information on labour market interventions and contains data on participants in programmes as well as on expenditure and details of the various policies in question.