Expert Network for Analytical Support in Social Policies (ESPAN and MISSOC)

The European Social Policy Analysis Network (ESPAN) brings together independent experts on social inclusion and social protection. It

  • provides timely and high-quality information to the European Commission on social protection and social inclusion policies (and related socio-economic developments and trends) and
  • supports the European Commission in monitoring progress within the European Semester framework and against the achievement of the 2030 social targets.
  • supports the Commission in identifying and promoting the exchange of good practices and the development of dynamics of mutual learning that can support the achievement of the EU’s social objectives.

The Mutual Information Systems on Social Protection (MISSOC) network of national delegates, whose members are appointed by the authorities of participating countries (EU Member States and EEA/EFTA countries), ensures exchange of information on national social protection systems by preparing comparative legislative tables (addressed mainly to professional users) and social security guides for the general public.

Applica is responsible for coordinating the work of MISSOC and for communication activities (seminars, publications and online resources).

Ex post Evaluation of Cohesion Policy Programmes 2014-2020 financed by the ERDF and CF: WP1

The ex post evaluation is aimed at assessing the achievements and effects of all programmes co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF) in the 2014-2020 period, including territorial cooperation programmes.

Work Package 1 will synthesise the findings of the various WPs and integrate them with those of the analysis carried out under WP1 itself. The aim is to present these findings in a coherent way so that the overall results of the ex post evaluation and the implications for policy which can be drawn from them can be clearly seen.

Exploratory study: filling in the knowledge gaps and identifying strengths and challenges in the effectiveness of the EU Member States’ minimum income schemes

The aim of the project, awarded to Applica and ICF (leader), was to provide a comprehensive assessment of the challenges in the effectiveness of the EU Member States’ minimum income schemes. The main tasks included

  • mapping existing schemes;
  • identifying strengths and challenges in their effectiveness for alleviating poverty and facilitating labour market transition and social inclusion;
  • and the impact assessment of various measures aiming at enhancing the effectiveness of these schemes.

The final report can be downloaded here:

Study on the feasibility of a child guarantee for vulnerable children: Phase II

The study aims to provide a thorough economic and financial analysis of the design, feasibility, governance and implementation options of a possible future Child Guarantee Scheme in all EU Member States. To achieve this, it has prepared a detailed comprehensive study exploring what would be the most cost-effective strategy for the competent authorities to realise a child guarantee for all children at risk of poverty in the EU. The study complements the Study on the feasibility of a child guarantee for vulnerable children: Phase I.


Evaluation Helpdesk 2019-2023

The aim of the contract is to provide the European Commission (DG Regional Policy and DG Employment) with an “Evaluation Helpdesk” that identifies and reviews the evaluations completed in Member States over the 2014-2020 period, the ex-post evaluations of the 2007-2013 programmes and the ex-ante evaluations relating to the 2021-2027 period; and provides support to Managing Authorities in designing and managing evaluations of Operational Programmes co-financed by the ERDF, Cohesion Fund and ESF (including the YEI – Youth Employment Initiative). In addition, the Helpdesk provides structured information on the outcome of the reviews of evaluations to support the European Commission’s syntheses of evaluation findings.

European Social Policy Network and MISSOC

The European Social Policy Network (ESPN) brought together independent experts on social inclusion and social protection and government experts on social protection systems (the Mutual Information Systems on Social Protection – MISSOC).

The ESPN provided high quality and timely independent information, advice, analysis and expertise in monitoring progress towards the EU’s social (protection and inclusion) goals and helped the Commission to identify and stimulate debate and discussion on effective policy developments and innovative developments in Member States.

Applica was responsible for coordinating the work of the government experts on social protection systems (MISSOC) and for communication activities (seminars, publications and online resources).

Ex post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013, Work Package One

The objective of the contract is to synthesise the work packages of the ex post evaluation of the ERDF and CF in the 2007-2013 programming period, to support Commission services in the organisation, coordination and quality assurance of all the work packages of the ex post evaluation and to produce concise reports on the developments and achievements in each of the 28 Member States which were in receipt of financial support over the period.
View report

The EU Social Situation Monitor

The aim of the project is to analyse trends in income distribution, poverty, social exclusion and material deprivation as well as health across the European Union, the position of different groups in society in these regards and the social welfare systems in place in different Member States for tackling problems of inequality and deprivation.

DG Regio – Evaluation Helpdesk

The aim of the contract is to provide an “Evaluation Helpdesk” to the Commission that reviews the 2014-2020 evaluation plans, identifies evaluations undertaken by Managing Authorities in 2015-2019, reviews a sample of evaluations, and provides support to Member States in refining their evaluation plans and designing and managing evaluations. In addition, the Helpdesk provides structured information on the outcome of the reviews of evaluations to support the European Commission’s syntheses of evaluation findings.

European Social Policy Network and MISSOC 2014-2018

The European Social Policy Network (ESPN) brings together the work previously done by the independent experts on social inclusion for the assessment of national social inclusion policies,  the independent experts for the analytical support on social protection reforms and by the government experts on social protection systems (the Mutual Information Systems on Social Protection – MISSOC).

The ESPN will provide high quality and timely independent information, advice, analysis and expertise in monitoring progress towards the EU’s social (protection and inclusion) goals and will help the Commission to identify and stimulate debate and discussion on effective policy developments and innovative developments in Member States.

Applica is responsible for coordinating the work of the government experts on social protection systems (the Mutual Information Systems on Social Protection – MISSOC) and for communication activities (seminars, publications and online resources).

Policy lessons report of the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) series

The aim of the project is to provide a comprehensive report on the policy lessons of the 5th European Working Conditions Survey which analyses relationships between different working conditions, identifies groups at risk, monitors trends and contributes to European policy development. The report will draw policy conclusions from the EWCS and contribute to the preparation of the 6th wave of the survey, which is planned for 2015.

Expert Evaluation Network delivering Policy Analysis on the Performance of Cohesion Policy 2007-2013

The general purpose of the contract is to coordinate an expert evaluation network. The network has the objective to deliver policy analysis and evidence on the performance of Cohesion Policy, based on the monitoring and evaluation work underway in the Member States and the analysis of these results in the context of statistical and policy research available.

DG Regional Policy, 2010 and 2011-2013 (with Ismeri Europa, IT).

Analysis of the Main Factors of Regional Growth: An in-depth study of the best and worst performing European regions

The primary aim of the study is to deepen understanding of economic development in the EU regions through identifying the regions that have performed well and those that have performed poorly over recent years, to analyse the factors underlying these differences in performance by econometric means as well as through case studies of selected regions and to draw our the policy implications.

Ex post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2000-2006 co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development (Objective 1 and 2); Work Package 1: coordination, analysis and synthesis

The overall aim of the project is to coordinate the various studies being undertaken to assess the effects of cohesion policy over the period 2000-2006, to produce summary analyses of regional developments in all the Member States and to provide support to DG Regional Policy in carrying out the evaluation.


Needs of Objective 1 regions in the accession countries and in existing EU15 Member States in areas eligible for Structural Funds

Assessment of development needs of (present and future) Objective 1 regions in the various areas (or sectors) which were eligible for Structural Fund support with the aim of identifying a list of priority actions. The study was concerned with identifying the nature and scale of the regional problems both in the accession countries and in the existing EU15 Member States.